Woman Wednesday: Getting Along

Hello, everyone!  Mercy here today!  I apologize for the lateness of this post!!  My family moved into our new house last Thursday, and all my time has been spent unpacking, cleaning, more unpacking, trying to catch up in homework...you get the idea.  :-P This morning, when I woke up, I was thinking, "Ah, Wednesday.  Time to do *runs through my mental to-do list*.  Wait.  It's Wednesday.  There's something important about Wednesday...  Oh, yes!  We post on Wednesday.  Who's posting today?  *frantically thinks*  OHMYGOODNESS I POST ON WEDNESDAY."  And now you know why my post is late.  Sorry!  Anyway, I probably should start the actual post now, shouldn't I?  :-)

Getting Along

Ah, what a wonderful thing "getting along" is.  We do it with our family, our relatives, our siblings...but we also do it with our friends.  I'm sure that most of us don't have a problem with this!  Of course, we do have little spats once in a while with our friends, but then we just need to discuss the problem and forgive each other.  However, there are certain times when we girls have a disagreement, and it's a little more serious.  One of these disagreements deals with being too judgmental.  I have known a very wide assortment of Catholic homeschooled families throughout my life, and they are all amazing people, and I'm so thankful to have met them.  Unfortunately, Catholic homeschoolers can be very judgmental of other Catholic homeschoolers, especially us girls.  An example of this is our fashion choices.  Many girls in the families I know wear skirts all the time, which is wonderful and amazing and I applaud their femininity.  Some of these families believe that wearing skirts all the time is a very important part of their Catholic Faith.  On the other hand, while I wear skirts fairly often, I also wear shorts or jeans.  However, just because I do not wear skirts every day of my life does not mean that I am less Catholic than girls who wear skirts all the time.  My decision to wear modest shorts or jeans is simply a personal decision and is not hinged on my Catholicism.  Unfortunately, some girls who prefer to wear skirts every day view my outfit choices as something that makes me less Catholic.  

In another example, one young Catholic homeschooled girl once wore heels, a dress, and makeup to Mass.  It was a very feminine, modest, gorgeous outfit.  But because she wore heels and makeup, the other Catholic homeschooled girls shunned her because they believed that those fashion choices lessened her faith.

Even though some of us do not wear skirts every single day and choose to wear makeup or heels, this doesn't mean that we are less Catholic.  This doesn't mean that other Catholic homeschooled girls who wear skirts 24/7 should shun us because they feel that they are more Catholic.  There is no "more Catholic" or "less Catholic."  We are all Catholic.  We are all Catholic homeschooled girls, and we should all be friends.  We should stick together, get along, and not be so judgmental!  I would like to add, though, that this isn't a universal problem.  It's just one that I've run into, and I wanted to address in an attempt to help solve it.  

Well, this is my take on getting along and being judgmental.  Personally, I just think that you should get to know someone before you make a decision about the.  Don't let someone's outer appearance deter you from attempting to make friends with them.  Even though you are a skirt-wearing homeschooled girl (or maybe you aren't a skirt-wearing homeschooled girl), don't judge someone who wears the opposite of you simply because they wear the opposite of you.  

I hope y'all enjoy today's post!  If you have any comments or stories you'd like to share, leave them below in the comment section!  Also, we have discovered why our "Follow By Email" button won't show up, and in order to make it work, we will have to change the layout.   I'm not sure if we are going to change the layout yet, but I assume so.  (I need to talk to Caroline and Isabelle first.)  But if we do, the blog will probably be changing over the next week or so as we try to find a layout that we all like and that works well for our blog.  I apologize for the inconvenience!  :)