Music Monday: Soundtracks

Hey, everyone!!  It's Mercy again.  ^_^  I'm actually writing this post because I'll still be on the road to my new house on Monday!  :P  Any prayers as we unpack our house would be greatly appreciated!!!  Thanks so much, y'all!  :)

Music Monday:  Soundtracks

Ah, another Monday.  But don't worry!  School is ending soon, and summer is on it's way!  I know that as you get deeper into the school year, time seems to almost slow down, school continues on forever, and you begin to feel frustrated and unmotivated, impatiently waiting for freedom.  Don't despair, y'all!  You are not alone.  Keep your chin up; you'll make it!  In the meantime, though, in order to help you make your way through the last few weeks of school, I'll share with y'all some favorite soundtracks of mine!  (Actually, I can't take full credit.  Several of these were shared with me by a couple homeschooled friends of mine.  You know who you are!  Thank you so much!!)

Schindler's List:  This entire album, composed by John Williams, is such a gorgeous work of art.  I'm absolutely in love with it.  Some pieces, including the Theme from Schindler's List  and the Schindler's Workforce, are particular favorites of mine.  As it is entirely instrumental, it greatly helps toward concentration on difficult homework!!

The Hobbit:  Okay, you're allowed to call me a stereotypical homeschooler.  xD  I'm absolutely in love with the soundtracks from both The Hobbit and The Lord in the Rings.  The Main Theme, I See Fire, Misty Mountains, you name it.  They're all amazing soundtracks and definitely worth listening to!  They really help with concentration on homework.  :)
Main Theme from The Hobbit

Pirates of the Caribbean:  Who doesn't love this soundtrack?   You can play it, and whatever you're doing becomes instantly amazing.  This album empowers you to feel like you can do absolutely anything in the entire world!  Everything becomes cool when you play PotC.  ;)
The Black Pearl Soundtrack

Band of the Week

The favorite band for this week is...  *drum roll*...Cimorelli!!!!  :D

This is a group of six Catholic homeschooled girls who are oozing talent.  The band members are, from oldest to youngest, Christina, Katherine, Lisa, Amy, Lauren, and Dani.  Every song that they cover is pure genius, and I absolutely love them.  They've also started composing their own music, and the songs are just amazing.  Seriously, this band is so talented.  Not only do all the girls sing, but some even play the piano and the guitar!  While each girl has her own unique style of music, they all blend together fabulously, creating both a unique and wonderful band that you will truly love!  If you want to learn a bit about them in a short video, check out their Cimorelli Trailer!!!

Here are a few of my favorite songs either covered or written by them!
Let Her Go
Million Bucks (This is an original of theirs!)
Best Day of My Life
Wings (Another original!)

They also do some fashion videos along with other various things.  You should definitely go check it out at their Cimorelli Youtube!!

If you would like to learn more about this amazing band (something I definitely suggest!!), go check out their page: Cimorelli Homepage!

Well, y'all, that's all I have for you today!  I hope you enjoy these music suggestions!  Drop me a comment an tell me which Cimorelli song is your favorite!  Do you like soundtracks as music suggestions, or would you rather we just stick with regular songs?  All and any feedback is greatly appreciated!  Love y'all!  <3  ~Mercy

P.S.  Prayers would still be very welcome.  We have about 12 hours left of driving today.  >.<