Music Monday: April 7,2014

Road Trip/Car Ride Music

Good morning lovelies!! This week, all my songs kind of have a similar theme in common. To me, all these songs are really good road trip/car ride songs. :) I went to Houston last weekend so before I left I was trying to make a playlist of what to listen to, so these were some of the songs on my playlist. :) Also, I've noticed that this is the type/genre of music I tend to listen to when I'm doing homework, so maybe these will be some good songs for you to add to your homework playlist this week. ;)

Best Day of My Life - American Authors
I was listening to my Apple radio on my phone and this little gem popped up.  I thought it was really up beat and super catchy. I've been obsessed with it every since. :P 

Link - here

Little Numbers - BOY
I've been obsessed with a group called Haim  for a while now and BOY sounds a lot like Haim so I love them as well. BOY is a Swiss/German duo group. formed in 2005. This song is a really cute love song and Valeska Steiner and Sonja Glass are reaamazing songwriters ;) 

Link - here

The A Team - Ed Sheeran
This song has a little bit of a sad story to it, but I still like. :P It is so catchy, and I usually just end up day dreaming while listening to it. :P Also, Ed Sheeran is an amazing song writer and musician.  I would really recommend checking out his other songs! :)
(P.S.The live version is really cool to watch!  :D )
Link - here
Live version - here

Cough Syrup - Young the Giant
So the other day my friend was driving me home, and this song came on. I instantly feel in love with it. You know how there are some songs that are just perfect driving songs? Well, this song is definitely one of those songs. Anyway, I like a lot of other Young the Giant songs, so I would highly recommend checking out some more of their music in your free time. :)

Link - here


Groups of the Week: Haim


The group of the week is an all girl rock band called Haim.  Este Arielle, Danielle Sari, and Alana Mychal Haim formed their band in 2005.  The sound of the group is often described as "nu-folk-meets-nineties-R&B".  These sisters are amazingly  talented and altogether super cool. :) I really love all their songs from their new album: Days Are Gone, but here are my some of my favorites. :P In no particular order:
Days are Gone
Don't Save Me
If I Could Change Your Mind
The Wire

If you haven't noticed already, I'm a tad bit obsessed with these girls. :P The funny thing is that my sisters and I are just like them in the way that we are spread apart in age, so we always joke around that we might be the next Haim. (Although, we probably won't).  Anyway, we can dream, can't we? XP

Hope you guys like this post! Hopefully each of you will find at least one song that will make your Monday a little bit more bearable. :P Comment which songs were your favorite and also leave suggestions for my next Music Monday's post!!! 
Love you loads,
Isabelle <3