How To Make Sure That Your Style Is 100% YOU!

Hello Everyone! I hope you're having a wonderful day! I sure know I am. :P (*cough* That may have something to do with the new One Direction video coming out. They are a bunch of goof balls and I love them. XD But you know me... so whatevs. :P *cough*)

Anywho! I've been talking to a few of my friends when we go shopping, and one thing keeps coming up whenever I am with them. The thing that always comes up is them asking me, how I know what "style" I have. Or, how can they figure out what "style" they have. Whenever I am faced with this question, I am always stumped and can never seem to find an answer. :P

So the other day I was thinking about that and I tried to make a list of things that I believed contributed to my style. Once I finished the list, I realized that the reasons were not just a personal thing for myself, but they can be applied to any one out there!

So if any you girlies out there are stumped to as what your personal style is, here are a few things to consider when trying to create or fine a style that is completely you! :)

1. Pay Attention to What You Are Drawn To 

This is really important! What I mean by, pay attention to what draws your eye, is, be attentive to things that you like. Everyone has preferences. For example, when you go into a store, you are naturally drawn to certain. So try to notice the things that you are naturally drawn to and try to figure out what similarities your favorite items of clothing have with one another.

You might be sitting at home saying, "Well, not me, Isabelle. Whenever I go into such and such store I never find anything I like." My answer to this, is, maybe you aren't going to the right store. Which leads me to my second point.

 2. Know What Stores You Do and Don't Like. 

Finding the right store for you, is crucial to knowing and being able to create a style that is unique and caters to you. Stores have different styles they provide for people, along with a certain quality of clothes, and general fit of their clothing. My advice would be to try out different stores that you have heard good reviews about. See what all the rave is about! Check it out! All you have to do is walk in, look around, try a few things on, and tahdah! You'll find out if you like the store or not. A few things that you should take into consideration when considering a store for you, are things like: the price, quality, and over all selection the store has.
Granted, the above process might not happen that fast. However, but be patient and perseverant! The right store is out there for you. :)

 3. Play Dress Up

When ever you are putting together an outfit, remember, it should be a reflection and extension of who you are. No person has just one trait that makes them unique. So, on that note, no one should have just one style that they use or feel like they HAVE to stick to. If you see something that might go a little bit out of your comfort zone, but you admit looks really cool and you like, try it on! Changing up your style is soooo important to figuring out what you do and don't like. Sure you might have the occasional *head desk* worthy outfit, but thats a risk you have to take. You can learn from your mistakes. :P 

4. Know Your Shape

Knowing what body shape you have is a crucial aspect of your person style. All bodies have shapes, and with those shapes, they have specific clothes that flatter them. :) Its a fact of nature, we can't wear whatever we want, and have it look flattering on us 100% of the time. Unless you are a model. And in that case, go away before all of us other girls beat you up. :P Joking of course. ;)

As you can see in the diagram to the side, there are four main body shapes. You can figure out which body shape you are by finding the specific body measurements for different parts of your body.  Here is a link where you can go to find your body shape and advice on dressing your shape. :)

5. Be Your Goofy Self

Make sure that everything you wear is YOU! Don't dress for other people's admiration or approval, dress. Don't be afraid of what anyone else thinks about what you wear. Ultimately, it only matters about how you feel about yourself. So girl, strut your stuff and be confident in who you are! :)
Take Cara Delevingne's example, and just having fun being your goofy and beautiful self. :P

Hope you enjoyed the post today guys! Love you loads!

-Isabelle <3


The Eighth Dwarf said...

These are so true! Thanks for listing those out! I have a tendency to dismiss my own fashion preferences and I hardly ever get anything because *I* like it, only if other people would.
And actually, I've been meaning to comment for a while now. I really love this blog! You have some great advice and lovely messages, so thank you :)

Unknown said...

No problem! I feel like dressing to impress other people is a tendency everyone falls into! You're definetaly not alone!

Thank you for the lovely message! :) <3

Anonymous said...

Um. Yes. These are so true. Thanks so much for the tips... Lately, I've been trying to remind myself to dress to make myself feel beautiful, not to look beautiful for others (though that, in its proper place, is important). But mainly, it's about self-confidence and dignity. Thanks! :)