Good Morning Sunshine!

Hi everyone!! :D

I find that in the morning, music is one of the best ways to get me from this:


It's just an awesome way to start your day! Here are some songs that I love listening for a morning pick-me-up. 

Silhouettes- Colony House
       I just discovered these guys two weeks ago, and they're AMAZING YOU HAVE TO CHECK THEM OUT THEY SOUND JUST AS GOOD LIVE And STUFF. Whew. Needless to say, they have a really cool happy, indie sound and it you can't help but dance to it. Also, check out  "Waiting For My Time To Come."

Mr. Polite- Jungle Giants

Sorry guys, I'm going through an indie phase. It's a good song though! The band is Australian, and they all went to high school together. The band members are; Sam Hales- Vocals/Guitar, Cesira Aitken- Lead Guitar Andrew Dooris- Bass Guitar/Backing Vocals, and Keelan Bijker- Drums/Trombone.

Walking on Sunshine -Katrina and the Waves

This is an absolute classic feel-good song. The brass section in the song gives it kind of a ska feel, and if you are half awake in the morning this song will either make you super grumpy or really happy. It's a 50/50 chance, so you have that going for you:)

Send Me On My Way - Rusted Roots

Whenever I hear this song, I always think, "ICE AGE!!!" I almost always forget about it and then when I hear it again a wave of childhood nostalgia comes rushing back. GOOD SONG.

Well, that's it! I hope this playlist brings a bit of sunshine to the rest of your mornings, and may you never be groggy again. :D