Fashion Friday

Hey, everyone! :)  Mercy here today!  Good morning, Friday!  *sighs in relief*  Ahhh, the weekend is almost here; I can just feel it.  I have had an exhausting week, and I am so thankful that tomorrow is Saturday.  I just want to sleep in and snuggle down in a blanket with a good book and a mug of warm coffee....but unfortunately, I do believe I shall spend my weekend filling out college applications.  Oh, the joys of being a senior with a never-ending to-do list.  :P  Anyway, enough about my boring personal life.  On to the post!


This topic is slightly different than ones we have covered before, but it does still fall into the realm of fashion, so I believe that it is highly appropriate!  :)  To warn y'all, I have not been wearing makeup that long, so I am not someone who possesses a vast knowledge about it.  I am willing to share what I do know and think, though. :)  

I have a question (or questions) for y'all!  At what age were you allowed to start wearing makeup?  Did your parents ever have restrictions on it?  Did you agree with those restrictions, or do you think they were unfair? 

In my family, I was allowed to start wearing makeup at age sixteen.  My mom believed that when I reached sixteen, I was old enough to start wearing makeup for a variety of reasons.  When I was younger, oh, how I wanted so badly to be able to wear makeup.  I had a somewhat severe acne problem as a tween and young teen, and I was always embarrassed about it.  I believed that if I could just cover it with some makeup, everything would be okay.  But you know what?  Now that I'm older, I don't think that would have been true.  If I had been allowed to wear makeup when I was struggling with these self-confidence issues, they probably would have never gotten better.  Maybe, some days, when I wore makeup, I would feel prettier about myself, but how would I feel when I washed the makeup off?  Like a self-conscious, embarrassed teen girl who felt like all the other girls were prettier.  (Now I'm like 95% sure that practically all of us have felt this way. xD)  And I would continue to feel that way when I saw how "improved" I looked after applying some makeup since I would have never learned how to be confident about my looks without it.  However, since I wasn't allowed to wear makeup, I began to eventually realize that I didn't need makeup to feel pretty.  I could easily be pretty without makeup.  My feeling of self-worth and my confidence did not, and should not, come from my looks, with or without makeup.  I do believe this quote sums it up very nicely...

Since I'm sixteen now, my mom allows me to wear makeup and I love it.  If you thought I was condemning makeup earlier, saying that it is evil and lowers girls' self-confidence and should be banned forever, you are quite mistaken, my dear.  Makeup definitely has its pros!  In my own personal opinion, though, I believe that teen girls should wait until they are older to wear makeup.  First, they will not depend upon makeup to be beautiful as they might have when they were younger.  Second, they will realize that a ton of makeup on your face does not necessarily mean a ton of beauty.  *cringes*  How many of us have seen a twelve year old girl with so much makeup on that her skin must be suffocating?  Please, girls, remember.  Less is more.  Just because a little bit of mascara and a little bit of eye shadow may be a little pretty doesn't mean that a lot of mascara and a lot of eye shadow may be a lot pretty.  :P

The main rule concerning makeup is that it should enhance your natural beauty.  Do you have gorgeous eyes that sparkle?  Bring them out with a little mascara and maybe a touch of eye shadow!  Do you have a stunning smile?  A little bit of lip gloss or lipstick can draw attention to that!  Again, though, remember that less is more.  When I go out, I usually apply a little makeup, but if I'm just lounging about the house, I don't wear makeup.  Too much makeup too often is not healthy for your skin and can cause acne, blackheads, and all that fun stuff.  Before I go to bed, I always wash my face and remove all makeup.  I know sometimes you are just so tired, and you want nothing more than to fall asleep in your comfortable bed which is temptingly calling your name....  BUT FIVE MINUTES IS ALL I ASK.  Five minutes and wash your face.  It will help you avoid future acne and an oily face.  Your skin wants to breathe!  Please let it!!
As to my own personal makeup routine...before I go out, I usually apply some concealer, foundation, blush, and mascara.  If I'm going somewhere special like a dance, I may decide to add eye shadow!  But that's really all I do.  Enough to make a teeny difference but not too much to hide my natural beauty.

I kind of like this quote.  A lot.  xD

Well, girls.  That's the end of my post!  I hope y'all enjoyed it!  Share your answers to my questions above in the comments!  (I'm not actually sure whether I can see the comments...more technological trouble. xP)  But let me know what you think of the post!  :)  Thanks for reading!  Love y'all!  <3  ~Mercy


Anonymous said...

Mercy, I loved this post! I'm able to wear makeup, too, ever since about two years ago, but as I had more and more freedom to wear it, I've found myself not wearing it much anymore. Isn't that strange? :) Literally, I'll want to wear it, but then I'll just feel more comfy without it, or I'll be afraid that, like, something tragic will happen and I'll cry and mess it up, or something silly like that. So now I don't really wear it much... but it can look absolutely gorgeous and classy when worn by other girls.