Body Image, Bullying and Judging

  Hey Everyone! It's Isabelle! Sorry about the irregular posting schedule due to me..XD I've have been so busy with school recently that I have found it hard to post my posts the day they are due. Don't worry I'll get a hang of it, hopefully.XD

Anyway, today I wanted to talk about a few different things, especially: body image, bullying and judging. Recently, I have been listening to different music and have found it extremely hard to find music that has a good message about accepting yourself and your body. You feel me? :P I guess what I mean by that is there are two kinds of songs about women: ones that talk about how tiny they are or ones that talk about how big they are. Both of these kinds of songs tend to rag on the other. For an example, I was listening to All About That Bass the other day. To be honest, the first time I heard, I loved it! Just as Meghan Trainor says, I am no size 2 model. I really could identify with that song since I am not exactly the skinniest person. :P So as time went on, I continued to listen to the song, completely clueless to a major flaw with it. What I didn't realize about the song is that it shed this light on skinny people that wasn't fair either. I had never thought about that before until one of my friends pointed how that song made her feel uncomfortable.

The media and pop cultural today tries to impose this image of what they believe all girls should look like. It's funny how you have the two different sides. One saying that people who say skinny girls are unattractive, and the other saying how girls who are curvy-ier than others aren't sexy. It's so unfortunate that this is what our society has come to. To dissing, making fun of, and ragging on other people's outward appearance. Whatever happened to not judging a book by its cover? People are substantially more than their appearance. You can't tell what personality a girl has by her dress size.

Another thing to remember, is that there is more than one way to judge a girl. You can also judge a person according to what they wear. I know it's so easy to see a girl dressed in scarcely anything and to automatically label her. Or to see a girl who might not be the most fashion savvy and to label her as well. Trust me, I've done it, tot. But remember, there is a lot more to that girl than what she is, and in some cases, isn't wearing. You'd be surprised at how many girls out there don't have a very good up bringing so they don't know how much power their attire can have on people. Or maybe they have never had a person in their life to show them how to dress. Or, maybe they just like to dress in a different way than you do. Judging a person, no matter what the reason, is always wrong. God loves each and every single one of us. No matter what we are wearing. We are called to do the same, to love one another and to try to imitate Christ in His goodness and empathy.

The truth is, each and everyone one of you girls is so amazing and perfect, because He created you.

Each one of you is a princess, because you are all daughters of the one true King.

Each one of you is gorgeous no matter what size you are.

Each one of you can be You, better than anyone else. So don't change. Don't conform.

Each one of you can achieve whatever goal you have. Become anything you want to be.

Remember this. Because if each of us girls, in this way, are the same, why would we want to judge others and try to bring them down? Why would we want to gossip and say cruel words about the other behind each others back? In situations where you feel tempted, remember the Golden Rule, cheesy I know. :P

 " Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" 

Please please please, remember this. I can not tell you how many times I have encountered girls who tell me what some of their so called "friends" have said to them. It's repulsive. Also, it's really discouraging when I see this happen. We girls need to stick together! We need to have each others back. We need to stand united and strong so that we can face the many struggles that the media and pop culture today impose upon us.

Maybe this post doesn't exactly apply to you, but still soak it in. Whenever you are quick to judge someone, just think to yourself, "Would I say this to their face?" And if the answer is no, then remove that comment or, whatever less than charitable thing you were saying, from your mind!

All you girls need to be confident in who you are. Understand that no matter what junk the media or crabby so called "Friends" are trying to force feed you with, you're perfect just being you. You're perfect no matter what dress size, pant size, bra size, outfit you wear, or whatever!

Maybe some of you have been bullied before, and if so, know that Caroline, Mercy and myself are always here for you. We are only an email away. ;) We love you guys so much and want to help you in anyway we can. :)

Hope you guys liked the post for today. :P Sorry if I got a little bit carried away at points. This topic in particular is very close to my heart since I have witnessed some of these things happened to my close friends.

I love all of you guys so much!!

-Isabelle <3