Fashion Friday: Ten Summer Items

Hello, y'all!  Mercy here today.  :)  It's the end of the week, finally.  I just have been waiting for the weekend.  Well, really, I just can't wait for summer to come.  :-P  Who's with me on that?  Well, I know that you're here to see our fashion advice and not me rambling on and on about how much I can't wait for summer, so without further ado, here is this week's Fashion Friday post!

Ten Essential Summer Items

Okay, so as I said, I am super excited for summer.  A break from school, warm weather, camps, hanging out with friends, vacations, pretty much everything about summer is amazing.  :-)  But, as with all things, you need to be prepared!  So, I am here to share with you today the ten things I think every girl should have for summer!  :-D

1.  Sunscreen
Call me motherly or old-fashioned, but you need sunscreen all the time.  Yes, tan skin might be the new fad these days, but trust me, the after effects are not worth it.  Cancer?  No thank you!  We want to remain healthy and live amazing, long lives, right, girls?  ;-)  There are all types of sunscreen out there.  Sunscreen for sensitive skin, waterproof will have no trouble finding any at all, so make sure you stock up!  Keep a small, travel-sized sunscreen bottle in your purse in case you're caught outside longer than expected.  If you do accidentally end up shiny and red one day, Aloe Vera is a miracle worker.  I have participated in a summer swim team the past two years, and that little bottle of green gel became my best friend. :-)

2.  Lip Balm WITH Sunscreen
Yes, even your lips can get burnt.  ;-)  I for one did not think of this until I experienced sunburn on my lips a few summers back.  Never again shall I make that mistake.  You can find lip balm with sunscreen practically anywhere!  Therefore, you should not have a problem picking up one (or two, or three, or four.  If you're like me, you have a tendency to lose your chapstick).  :-)  

3.  Flip-Flops
Another item I think is quite important is a good pair of flip-flops.  I wear mine literally all the time in the summer.  But, when you buy a pair, don't just grab one of those flimsy, plastic pairs that costs $2 at Wal-Mart (although they are great if you're going to the pool or beach!).  If you're looking for flip-flops that will last when you go out walking or head out on a trip to the city, look for something a little more durable.  And something that won't give you blisters.  My sister once brought a pair of plastic flip-flops with her camping, and they broke the next day.  She was lucky she brought an extra pair!  One pair that I love is my Speedo flip-flops that my mom bought at Sam's.  They've lasted me for over three years!  Definitely a good purchase. ;-)

4.  Sunglasses
You can't forget sunglasses!  Now, I really splurge on sunglasses.  $5 at Wal-Mart, y'all.  *nods*  ;-)  You can find sunglasses pretty much everywhere nowadays.  Wal-Mart, the mall, gas I said, everywhere.  And you don't need to buy a pair that is really expensive (if you do, fantastic!  I'm a bit too clumsy to feel comfortable spending too much money on something I could easily break.).  A $5 pair at any old store will be fine.  There are lots of different styles out there that you can experiment with!  Personally, I prefer a pair such as the one shown above.  And, Saint (YES SAINT HE WAS CANONIZED THIS PAST SUNDAY ISN'T IT AMAZING) John Paul II rocked them.

Yet another reason to wear these sunglasses. xD

5.  Sundresses
Yay dresses!!  Not only are sundresses cute and feminine, but I also find that they seem to keep you cooler than a pair of shorts that seems to stick to your skin as you start to perspire.  :-P  However, I often find myself confronted with a slight problem.  So many cute sundresses out there have either spaghetti straps for sleeves or even no sleeves at all, which is a problem for us girls out there who are trying to dress modestly!  But I have found a solution!  Well, two, actually.  The first is a simple tank top.
Add it to a dress and your spaghetti strap or sleeveless problem is solved!  But..sometimes you find yourself in a situation where it is still too hot to have two full layers on.  In that case, I present to you the Halftee!!!  The name pretty much describes it perfectly.  It's just half a t-shirt.  The Halftee comes in a variety of colors and types of sleeves, solving any problem of yours that concerns sleeves!  While I myself have not used one, I know several girls who have, and they simply rave about it.  They wear it all the time!  Therefore, I would feel safe trusting this product.  :-)

6.  Modest Swimsuit And Cover-up
Now, I know it depends on where you live, but summer can get hot.  And what do you do when it's unbearably hot outside and you feel like you're going to melt?  Well, you go swimming!  For that, though, you need a cute, modest swimsuit.  Some great stories to look at are Wal-Mart (yes, Wal-Mart.  I lived off of that store for three years because there was nothing else in my town. xD), Kohls, T.J.Maxx, and Target.  Amazon also sells some cute, modest swimsuits!  Belle did a great post a few months back about modest swimsuits if you'd like to check it out!  But a swimsuit is not the only thing you need!  Make sure to buy a cover-up, too, so that you can slip it on right when you get out of the water!  Unless I'm in the water, I always wear my cover-up, or at least a towel.  It just makes me feel much more comfortable.  :-)  Whether it be a simple sundress, a wrap, or even an extra large t-shirt of your dad's, just make sure you have one handy!  :-)

7.  Water Bottle

Did anyone here receive the children's magazine Highlight as a child?  One of my favorite stories in the magazine was Arizona, a sweet young girl with a best friend who skated all the time.  I remember reading one story that talked about her participating in a treasure hunt, but the weather was insanely hot.  Since Arizona forgot to bring her water bottle, she ended up collapsing due to the heat and had to miss out on the fun hunt.  A childish story, but it's got a memorable lesson!  When summer approaches, so do the intense heat waves.  Sometimes you don't realize how much you truly need water until it's too late, but then you're too weak to enjoy in the summer fun with everyone else!  In order to stop the danger before it happens, just buy a reusable water bottle, and keep it stocked with nice, cool water!  You can find great ones anywhere, and there are tons of styles.  One that I particularly like are the kind that have a tube in the middle of the bottle that you can remove and freeze.  When you place it back in the bottle and fill the bottle up with water, the frozen middle section help keeps your water cold!  :-)

8.  A Manicure And Pedicure
Like most girls, I love getting my nails done.  However, a manicure or a pedicure can run quite high money wise!  Sadly, I never end up with nails in the above photo as my own skills in nail art are sorely lacking.  :-P  However, that doesn't mean that we should just stop taking care of our own nails!  Keep your nails trimmed, frequently wash your hands, make sure to use lotion often, apply a base coat of clear gloss once in a while...  You don't have to go all out, but you can put in a little effort to keep your nails looking neat!  :-)  And then when you have the time, maybe you and a group of friends can have a nail-painting party. ;-)  

9.  Light Colored Clothing
I am a science nerd.  I absolutely love science.  I also remember random science facts.  While some are seemingly unimportant, others are incredibly useful!  Just remember this fact: Dark clothing absorbs the heat.  Light clothing reflects it.  If you're going out for a hike with your family and the weather is 90 degrees out, wear a light colored shirt and skirt/shorts.  Instead of taking in all the heat from the sun, the light colors will bounce most of it away from your body, helping keep you cool!  :-)  And people say science is boring.  Harrumph.  

10.  A Great Attitude

This last one isn't so much fashion, but something I view just as important for summer.  I know that when summer is here, your life can sometimes seem boring.  Your best friend is off at camp, your parents are busy with work, the pool is closed for renovations...whatever it is, sometimes summer can become a bit droll and lonely.  But don't despair!  Just look for the bright side.  You can go out for a walk, play with your dog, spend some time with your siblings, write letters to friends you haven't talked to in a while, call your grandparents, redecorate your room, plant a garden (with your parents' permission!), get a summer job...the possibilities are endless!  Take control of your own summer.  Don't let the boredom control you.  

Well, y'all, I hope you enjoyed today's post!  What other things do you think I should have included in my post?  Which one do you think is the most important item for summer?  Leave your comments in the comment section below!  :-)  Well, that's all for today!  Love y'all!!!  ~Mercy

P.S. Also, for those of y'all confused as to why  there are two fashion posts today, Belle made hers a bonus fashion post as she was not able to post last Friday. :-)