A Lovely Message from Us to You.

Hello, everyone!!  ^_^  *waves excitedly*  It's Mercy here today.  It seems like I haven't talked to y'all in ages!!  You have probably been wondering, "Where in the world are those girls..."  Hopefully, you saw Belle's post about us being swamped in homework.  I'm sure you can commiserate with us.  ;-)  Who here is totally ready for school to be done?  *raises hand*  I just want summer to be here already, but I'm not quite willing to do all the work necessary for summer break to start...do you see my problem?  :-P

Anyway, I wanted to share a little post with y'all today!  :-)

When Caroline, Belle, and I started this blog, we really liked the motto, "Be yourself."  By this, we mean that you shouldn't try and be someone else because you think that they are better or prettier than you are.  God made you in a particular way because He has a plan for you.  If you were anyone else, you wouldn't be able to fulfill His plan!  God gave you particular talents and skills that you will need to do the things that you are destined for.  Utilize those skills and talents.  Don't disregard them just because you wish you had a different skill!  I've seen too many girls who try too hard to look like a celebrity or to dress like the popular girl who lives down the road.  It's disheartening and upsetting that these girls don't see how beautiful they are when they are just themselves, no one else.  

However, some people take the motto, "Be yourself," to mean that you shouldn't try to better yourself in any fashion.  You are "perfect just the way you are, and you don't need to do anything to improve yourself."  This is where I disagree.  Yes, you are a daughter of God, and He made you to be amazing.  But that doesn't mean that you should just leave it at that!  You should be yourself but be your best self.  Try and be the best possible you that you can be!  If you have a particular skill, practice that talent so that you can improve it!  If you have a short temper, pray for patience and try harder to keep your temper.  Look at your faults and try to work on them.  This is our motto; this is what we stand for.  Be your best self.  

Well, I hope you enjoyed today's post!  I know it's not the usual Friday Fashion post, but with all the homework we have, our schedule has been kind of messed up.  ;-)  I'd love to hear some feedback about whether you like these type of posts better than the usual?  Would you like to see more personal posts about varying subjects?  Or would you like us to stick to our usual set-up?  Comments and criticism are always welcome and appreciated!  Love y'all!  <3  ~Mercy