
Hi everyone, sorry we haven't posted in a couple days!! 
As you can imagine all three of us girls are very busy trying to finish up school and what not. (Not to mention that Mercy just moved to Texas and is even more busy with unpacking and just trying to get settled into her new house) Caroline and I have mainly been busy with applying to jobs, studying for finals and in my case enjoying the newest arrival to my family. :) As a result, we haven't been very good about posting. :-/ 

I was talking to Caroline a few days ago and one solution that she came up with was that we are just going to wait  to start posting again until one of us is done with school. So if one of us finishes before the other two then that person can pick  up on the posts where we left off. We are all planning to finish by the end of this week. Keep your fingers crossed. :P It can get a little stressful when trying to balance school while also giving you guys posts that have good content. All three of us girls agree that we don't just want to half write a post, we want to give you guys quality posts that we can put thought into. Right now with school it can be hard to do that. Which is way we all decided to wait to post until we are done with school :) 

Anyway, just thought I should let you know. We are not abandoning you guys, we are just trying to really put all our time and effort towards finishing school so that we can then later give you quality posts. Which I'm sure you guys can empathize with. :P 

We love you all and are so grateful to have such understanding and amazing readers as yourself. :)

Isabelle <3