DIY Halloween Party!!

Hey everybody! :D
It's almost Halloween, and I know that TECHNICALLY you're not supposed to trick-or-treat anymore once you've passed a certain age (which is totally unfair *sigh*), but you can still have a fun time on Halloween by throwing a small get together with your friends.  Here are some fun DIY ideas to inspire you!

Try taking what you have in your home and making something out of it! You don't need to go to the store and buy some decorations that you'll never use again. Everyone has black trash bags in their house, right? Make some spider webs out of them! Link: here
Also, just cover your front door with some toilet paper or tissue paper and stick some googly eyes on it, and VOILA! You have yourself a mummy door.

For table decorations, try just taking styrofoam balls, dying them black and gluing black pipe cleaner underneath them to make some cute little spiders. Don't forget the googly eyes!!


Q: What's more fun than baking with your friends?
A: Eating the stuff you made. Obviously.
These treats are super easy to make, and verrryyyy delicious.

For all you Krispy Kreme lovers out there, make a spooky
twist to your classic glazed donuts by adding plastic teeth and....GOOGLY EYES (I'm loving the googly eyes, people.)

               For the next treat, all you need are some oreos, red food gel, colored frosting, and some Junior Mints. Just split the oreos in half, add the condiments and make a bloodshot eyeball! Link - here

Lastly, but most importantly, don't forget that October is also the month of the Rosary, not just Halloween. Pray a rosary before beginning your party, it's a good way to start off. :) 

Well, I hope you guys have a nice Halloween! Comment below and tell us what you're going as, and maybe we'll share some pictures of our own costumes! :D


Little 'ol Me said...

Wonderful ideas! I'm going trick-or-treating this year since it's my last year home and I want to go out with my little siblings *coughihavenofriendssoicanthaveapartycough* ANYWAYS. Awesome post! :) <3

Anonymous said...

These are all fun ideas! My family generally drapes all the windows when it starts to get dark, turns off every lightbulb in the house, and then lights about a million assorted candles! We also make popcorn and watch family movies, so halloween is always super fun at our house!