Woman Wednesday: March 19, 2014

The Mean Girl

         Everyone knows at least one girl who fits the description of 'The Mean Girl.' Maybe you've been the target of her nastiness before, or had to deal with the never ending drama, or even been the subject of a vicious rumor started by this girl. The question you're probably asking is, "But Caroline, why is this girl so mean? I did absolutely nothing to deserve this kind of treatment!" The answer is, you did nothing wrong!! The problem lies within this poor girl who is desperately craving attention of any kind, and probably doesn't get enough of it in her homelife. Maybe you already know this, and you're saying, "But she has a great homelife!" Well, we can't see everything fom our limited point of view, and we definitely can't see the internal struggles going on in this girl's head.
          For some sick reason, our culture enjoys pitting young girls against each other in a pointless competition to be the most popular, the prettiest, and the smartest. They just loooove the drama. But imagine if instead of putting another girl down just to feel better about yourself, we (as girls) actually tried to stand up for one another instead of fighting to be 'The Queen Bee.' IT WOULD BE SO MUCH BETTER!!  If the problem of the mean girl persists in bugging you, here are some ways to deal with that nasty gal:

        1. AVOID THE DRAMA- Most girls love drama (even girls who say they don't secretly enjoy it) because it makes them feel important. But you have the power to walk away from it any time you choose! There's always going to be some drama, but if you  avoid what doesn't concern you, you're going to be saving yourself a whole lot of heartbreak. Just remember:

    2. LAUGH- As simple as this sounds, laughing is actually a way to undermine the mean girls attempts to get you all worked up. Her goal is to make you feel emotionally compromised and small, but if you laugh in her face as if to say, "I'm not even going to dignify what you just said with a response," then chances are she's not going to try her shenanigans on you again (Yep, I just used the word shenanigan in a sentence.) 
A perfect example of the laugh techinque.

    3. BE THE BETTER WOMAN- (I should put that on a t-shirt or something.) Being the better woman means not sinking down to this girls level. If she wants to behave like a toddler who didn't get her way, let her. The way she acts is not your problem. The only thing you can control is the way you respond to her. So just do your thing, and brush that dirt off yo shoulder girl!!:D

       Hopefully you can use some of these techniques to deal with the common Mean Girl!! Thanks for reading and make sure to like and follow us on True To You!:)

-Caroline :)