Woman Wednesday: Procrastination Is Something I'm Good At

*shuffles in shyly and waves*  Heyy, y'all, Mercy here...  I'm so sorry!!  It is...Monday, and I'm just posting this post.  *facepalm* I've been so busy with school and life in general, and I've been kind of in that mood where everything is frustrating and everything is coming crashing down in one. week.  *sigh*  BUT!  No excuses.  I should have written the post.  I apologize.  >.<

But anyway.

I'll just make this a Bonus/Overdue post....

Woman Wednesday

Or not.....
(Plot Twist! ;)

Personal Post

YAY!  This is my first time doing a personal post, so I am really beyond excited to share with y'all about my life.  :-)  I hope this isn't boring for you... xD  I'll try to make it as interesting as possible, but honestly, it's just my life.   :-P  So, here is the story of Mercy's Best Summer Ever.  

Well, my summer started out fairly boring.  :-P  Catching up on leftover school, trying to move into my new home....  Oh, yes, I did move from the freezing state of Wisconsin to the melting state of Texas in April-May. xD  That was exciting and wonderful but also very scary and nerve-wracking, but my family and I have adjusted well and things are going positively peachy. :)

June was fairly normal.  Grandparents visited.  I visited grandparents.  Normal summer fun.


In July, I flew from Texas to Virginia all by myself.  I'm pretty sure I kind of cried a teeny bit when I first boarded the plane, but honestly, who wouldn't?  I was flying all by myself, I was scared to death, I was exhausted (my flight was at 6 in the morning), and I wasn't going to be home for practically a month.  I am justified in my tears.  Once in Virginia, I stayed with grandparents for about a week, and I had an amazing time!  :-)  It was so lovely visiting them, and I saw my cousins and aunts and uncles I hadn't seen in ages.  Definitely a memorable visit.  <3

(Not my image!  From Christendom's website. But see?  Amazingly gorgeous.  Also, I love that library with a passion.)

This definitely helped make this summer my best yet.  I love this college so, so, so much.  At about 400 students, it's quite small, and it provides you with a homey feeling the minute you arrive.  The campus, while maybe not as updated as some are, is gorgeous.  One spot in particular...they have a weeping willow tree!  <333  I am so overjoyed.  Ever since I was a child, I have been in love with willow trees.  In addition, the college is actually really close to the river!  By means of a short hike, you can reach the river and go swimming, kayaking, canoeing...  A wonderful pastime for the students at the college.  :-)  And.  I WENT DANCING.  And not that awful dancing that is is commonly associated with college dances.  It was swing and contra dancing.  Oh, goodness, the thrill of being spun and twirled and dipped by a laughing partner as you both sing to the music and grin at each other as you try to catch your breath.  While I understand that dancing just isn't everyone's thing, I personally adore it.  I shall take every available opportunity to dance the night away. ;-)  And I was so impressed with the guys at camp!  While there may have been a few self-conscious fellows at the beginning of the night, by the end, they were all out on the dance floor, giving it their all. :-)  I was honestly so proud of them.  We also took a variety of classes during the week!  Theology, Philosophy (ohmygoodness this class was mind-blowing), Literature (I'm a literature nerd <3), and History.  They were all amazing, and I enjoyed every single minute of them.  :-)

After camp...ohmyheavens.  I have become a national traveler, y'all.  I flew from one side of the country to the other.  Virginia to CALIFORNIA.  One of the bonuses of being a Mother of Divine Grace homeschooler is that you get to know your classmates through the internet, and you become great friends.  I have met my closest and best friends through this program and while the distance is difficult and trying and I usually detest it, the result is worth it a thousand times over.  This summer, I went and visited two MODG friends who conveniently live in the same town (ONE OF WHOM IS A FELLOW BLOGGER READ UNTIL THE BOTTOM TO SEE WHO)!  I cannot put into words how much I enjoyed this part of my trip.  By spending so much time with these people and their families, I made amazing new friends, learned so much, was awed numerous times by both people and the scenery, and really...I had an amazing time.  There is no other way to describe it.  Some days were spent traveling through California, seeing the amazing sights that it has to offer or visiting wonderful places, while other days were spent at their house, lounging around and doing nothing except peacefully enjoying one another's company.  And honestly, I wouldn't have had it any other way.  When I stepped through the door, you would not believe how nervous I was.  I was spending two weeks with a strange family of whom I knew one person.  Thoughts in which I questioned practically every aspect of myself rambled through my head, tumbling about, causing butterflies in my stomach.  But after meeting the family, all of my fears were set aside.  I was going to love my two weeks in California; I had no doubt of that.  As the father later said, I was an honorary member of the family.  I had been adopted.  When I left...it felt so weird.  Naturally, I cried.  I know it might seem silly, but I had truly grown to love that family in my short time.  I miss them, I really do.  Leaving felt strange.  It was weird going home and not having them around, to tease and joke with.  It felt strange to not have my "accent" mocked.  The lack of "musical chaos" left my ears feeling empty.  It didn't feel right.  But overall, I loved my time spent in California, I miss the families, I learned so much, I gained a new respect for people with musical genius, I swam in the Pacific Ocean fully clothed, I visited Mt. Lassen where I stood above the clouds, I attended my first Latin Mass....  This summer was truly a memorable summer that I shall treasure for the rest of my life.

And now for...PICTURE SPAM.  xD

View from hike at Christendom camp!
All Christendom campers!!!

Lake Helen at Mt. Lassen!

Me at Lake Helen! :)

View from Mt. Lassen!  GORGEOUS.
More gorgeous views. <3
At Thomas Aquinas College.  :)  

One of my favorite pictures. <3 The Pacific Ocean!
Well, there you have it.  My amazing summer whose loss I mourn but whose memories I greatly treasure.

And now.

The moment you all were waiting for.

I WENT AND VISITED....CAROLINEEEEE.  <3  This girl is amazing, and I love her to death.  We had some of the best times ever, walking around the mall, eating pretzels, chatting about nonsense, trying on weird outfits and talking in weird voices.  We swam in her pool at 10 at night, stayed up late eating cookie mugs+milk, we watched comedians while trying to stifle our laughter so as not to wake her parents...  She is such a good friend, always there for me when I need her, and a giver of wonderful hugs.  She's gorgeous, both inside and out, and I miss her so incredibly much.  Those stupid miles between us.  *sigh*  Really, though, without Caroline, I don't know where I'd be.  She is amazing, she really is.  Love you, dear. <3

All of our pictures are goofy, this is the most normal one. xD