DIY Flower Backdrop

Hi guys! I hope you all are having a lovely week, and I can't wait to show you this super cheap and easy DIY flower backdrop that I made!
 I saw something similar to this on Etsy a while ago, but it cost $319, which is WAY too much. However, I did like the concept and I wanted to make it, so I took a trip to the dollar store and scouted for some materials. Luckily, they had a multitude of fake white roses for about 15 cents a flower , which was exactly what I was looking for.  I took about 100 roses home, which was about $50. WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT (do you get my not-so-subtle thrift shop reference? Yes? Good.)

So if you want to make something like this at home, here's how!

-fake flowers of any sort
-strong fishing wire
-a coat rack

-Cut equal strands of fishing wire, to whatever length you desire, and tie them onto your coat rack (shown below)

Then, take the fishing wire and wrap it around the backs of the roses, like so

And voila!! I put 10 roses on each strand, and that gave me about 11 strands. It's time consuming, but the final product is totally worth it!

If you've got some empty wall space in your bedroom, this is the perfect solution! It's beautiful, easy to make, and really really cheap compared to the cost of buying one in the store or online. Let me know what you guys think!



Unknown said...

If I ever have any empty space in a room, I'm definitely going to try this! Thanks, Caroline! :D